Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category

Solwise 300ATA

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

I recently purchased a Solwise 300 ATA to make use of my free VoIP minutes.

My first impressions can be found HERE.

Also, I have written a small utility which helps monitor the ATA which is available through the above link.

Plastic Bags

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

As the Daily Mail launches it’s “Banish the Bags” campaign, I can’t help but feel they are going about it the wrong way.

The environmental problems caused by the plastic pest have been known for some time – long before Peter Jones or Theo Paphitis mentioned their hate of them on Dragon’s Den.

I am all in favour of reducing the number of plastic bags in the wild, but I think supermarkets etc should be promoting other bags more effectively. They should replace all their conventional bags with ones that are:

The fact is, bags are extremely useful and can be re-used in and around the home many times. If all ‘plastic’ bags in the home (bin liners, freezer bags etc) were biodegradable, there would be no need to punish people with a ‘bag tax’. It would be better for the environment and people could still carry their shopping with relative ease.

Simply banning all plastic bags is not the best solution, nor is charging people for conventional bags…

Why blog?

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

To blog or not to blog, that is the question! And why exactly do people publish blogs?

In my case it’s simply to post updates/news about programs and projects for those that are interested and also to have an outlet for things which don’t really seem appropriate for posting on forums like the RouterTech.Org one.

I could keep a journal of the hum-drum day-to-day stuff but I think would be rather dull and uneventful!

Yes, blogging for the sake of blogging or for some shallow desire for acclaim or notoriety is not to be commended and yes it seems that everything and everyone who can have a blog will have one eventually. But it does seem a neat way to keep information up-to-date on a website 🙂