Archive for the ‘Site’ Category

May 2017 – Issue with downloads

Friday, May 12th, 2017

I have had reports from visitors having problems with downloads, where they see the “File no longer exists” message.

Since nothing has been changed on my website and the files still exist on the server, I’m guessing it is because the hosting companies have updated their servers etc.

I’m tracking down the exact cause of the fault and will update this post when I have more information – thank you for your patience.

New problems with downloads etc

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

It seems there is now a problem with downloads etc. which is due to some security updates on the server.

I am investigating and will fix this as soon as possible…


I have fixed the database issue and downloads are now working correctly.

Problem with downloads

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

It seems there is a problem with downloads from my website at the moment. Please rest assured that I’m investigating the problem and hope to get it fixed soon…

Download problems

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Recent visitors to my website may have experienced problems downloading files from my website. This seemed especially so for Internet Explorer users. The server had been recently upgraded to Apache 2.0 and it appears that this version required a slightly different format in the download script. The script has been updated so hopefully the problem has been solved.

See this for more details

Recent server downtimes

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Any recent visitors to my website (and indeed to any of the websites hosted by the same server, such as the RouterTech one) may have noticed that it had been down – on most of Wednesday and all of Thursday. Also, any downloads would have been unavailable at this time.

Apologies to anyone affected – let’s hope that everything has settled down now 🙂

Related: RouterTech.Org News Thread