
Class I Router FAQ

Sections: General | Port Forwarding | Servers | Security | Other

Guides (PDF):

Origo Firewall Manual - 89KB PDF (By Beast)
Port forwarding for software - 94KB (By Neo)
Virtual Server Guide - 138KB PDF (By Niall Fleming)


The Origo Router Repair CD is available HERE. It has all the firmware's (including the latest) on it. Thanks to Mugwump for this.
The latest firmware upgrade DOES work on 2MB routers.
The Class I Router Backup Utility is available from the Software section of the neolics website.


  1. What is the difference between models 8000, 8100 and 8400?
  2. I am waiting for ADSL to be enabled on my line, can I use the router to connect my computers in the meantime? (i.e. setup as a hub/switch for file sharing)?
  3. Does the router have an ADSL modem and a hub both built in?
  4. What is NAT (Network Address Translation) and why would I ever need it?
  5. If I want to have say, 3 computers sharing my broadband connection, what is the basic setup I need?
  6. How do I telnet into my router?
  7. What is the BT Test Login?
  8. How do I access the routers configuration settings?
  9. How do I know when my router has established an internet connection?
  10. I have enabled DHCP in the router settings, do I need to manually assign IPs to each computer?
  11. How do I find out what is the IP address that is assigned to my router/modem by my ISP?
  12. Does the router's firmware support UPnP?
  13. How do I update the routers firmware?
  14. I think my router is faulty, what can I do about it?
  15. Is it possible to recover the router using USB, should something go wrong?
  16. My router is not working properly, what should I do?
  17. How do I setup MSN Messenger to work with the router?
  18. The router has a USB port, could I connect this to an external hard drive so all networked PCs can access it?
  19. Can I connect a printer to the USB port of the router so it can act like a print server?
  20. Can I use an FTP Client such as WS-FTP and connect to my router?
  21. When I reboot the router, the LINK light flashes before connecting to the internet, I thought ADSL was "always on"?
  22. Why can't I have an Audio conversation using MSN Messenger?
  23. How do I find my computers static IP address in my LAN?
  24. I changed some settings in the router's web configuration and pressed "Save & Reboot". But the settings don't appear to take effect, it doesn't seem to "hold".
  25. When I perform a diagnostic test from the router's web configuration, I always get a "SKIPPED" response when pinging www.conexant.com, why is this?
  26. How do I configure the router so it can use public static IP addresses that I have been given by my ISP?
  27. I can't login to my router as it refuses to accept my username/password, what should I do?
  28. How do I configure the router to work with AOL?

Port Forwarding

  1. Is "Ports", "Virtual Server" and "Port Forwarding" the same thing?
  2. How do I find out what ports I need for a particular application or game?
  3. How do I setup ports / virtual servers / port forwarding?
  4. Why do I need to setup virtual servers?
  5. How do I add a range of ports?
  6. What is a "Host IP Address"?
  7. How can I open all ports?
  8. What is the total number of virtual servers I can add?
  9. What transport protocol should I use when adding a virtual server - UDP or TCP?
  10. Can I forward the same port for different computers on my network?


  1. I want to host a web server on a computer in my LAN that can be accessible to anyone on the internet, what should I do?
  2. How do I host a game so other people on the internet can connect?
  3. How do I run an FTP server?


  1. How do I secure my router quickly?
  2. How do I test how secure my network is?
  3. How do I close my firewall?
  4. What is DMZ and why should I enable it?
  5. How do I enable DMZ?
  6. How do I disable telnet to avoid a hacker logging into my router and changing the settings?
  7. What is the default username & password of the router?
  8. Does the router have a firewall? I read it has a FreeBSD firewall somewhere?
  9. Should I have a software firewall set up in all my computers in my LAN?
  10. How do I change the routers password?
  11. What will happen if I don't change my routers admin password?
  12. Is it true that if someone knows my IP address (WAN side), they can login and change my router's settings behind my back?!
  13. Are there any known security exploits with this router?
  14. Where is the firewall log?


  1. Can I change the Origo logo that appears in the web configuration to something else, like my own image?
  2. What software is used to produce the kernel for the router?
  3. Where is the technical discussion board for the Origo hardware?
  4. How much flash memory do the routers have?


What is the difference between models 8000, 8100 and 8400?

ASR-8000 & ASR-8100 - 1 x USB & 1 x Ethernet connection. You could use both ports with 2 machines (one with USB, one with Ethernet). The ASR-8000 model has no on/off switch nor any status lights for WAN and LAN.

ASR-8400 - 1 x USB & 4 x Ethernet ports for a LAN.

All models come with an ADSL Modem.


I am waiting for ADSL to be enabled on my line, can I use the router to connect my computers in the meantime? (i.e. setup as a hub/switch for file sharing)?

Yes, you can use the hub/switch facility of the router while you wait for your ADSL to be enabled. You can setup file and printer sharing. You do not need to have ADSL if you only wish to use the router as a 1 or 4 port switch.


Does the router have an ADSL modem and a hub built in?

Yes, the ASR-8400 comes with a 4-port hub built-in, allowing you to connect 4 devices. The ASR-8100 is a 1-port model.


How do I access the routers configuration settings?

Login to using your browser, enter your router username and password. You now have access to the configuration settings.


What is NAT (Network Address Translation) and why would I ever need it?

When you establish a connection to the internet, you are normally assigned one IP address by your ISP. However, if you want more than one computer to use the internet concurrently and independently, and you don't wish to purchase static IP addresses from your ISP, NAT is your friend. NAT allows you to access the internet through two or more networked computers even though you only have one IP address that is assigned to you by your ISP. It also provides firewall-like protection because it hides your LAN from the internet.


If I want to have say, 3 computers sharing my broadband connection, what is the basic setup I need?

The easiest method is to enable DHCP in your routers configuration settings and then make sure all the computers obtain an IP from the DHCP server automatically. Your router will automatically assign an IP for each machine in your network, within the range as specified in the configuration. If you wish to setup servers, or don't wish to use DHCP, you can assign static IP addresses such as 10.0.0.x within your subnet to each machine.


How do I telnet into my router?

Click on START, RUN, type telnet and press enter. You will be prompted for your password. For more info see http://www.routertech.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=34


What is the BT test login?

A generic login exists that will work even if your ISP login refuses to allow you to login, or your ISP is off-line. Also if you are experiencing intermittent problems with your connection, it's good to check with this test login, the login bypasses your ISP totally.

The login is:
Username = bt_test@startup_domain
Password = (ignored)

If this authenticates, you can browse to a single site, www.bt.net/digitaldemo which currently consists of a single graphic image.

For people with static IP's or NON-NAT setups, depending on how you've configured your ADSL modem you may need to change other settings to browse to the website. Users with USB and PCI modems should have no problems.

Source: ADSLguide.org.uk


How do I know when my router has established an internet connection?

The LINK light would be a solid green.


I have enabled DHCP in the router settings, do I need to manually assign IPs to each computer?

You don't need to, the router will automatically assign an IP for each machine within the range as specified in the routers configuration. However, if you wish to run servers and/or don't want a client to risk getting a new private IP address, you can assign the address manually. Remember to assign addresses within your IP-range and subnet.


How do I find out what is the IP address that is assigned to my router/modem by my ISP?

See http://www.whatsmyip.org. You can also login to your router and see it at


Does the router's firmware support UPnP?

The ASR/AWR range of routers do not have UPnP support and are unlikely to through official channels. However unofficial firmwares from 3rd parties such as Billion do support UPnP and can currently be installed successfully on non-wireless routers. See http://www.routertech.org/pages.php?page=18


How do I update the routers firmware?

Follow the instructions at http://www.routertech.org/pages.php?page=19


I think my router is faulty, what can I do about it?

Follow the instructions at http://www.routertech.org/pages.php?page=20


Is it possible to recover the router using USB, should something go wrong?

If you manage to completely wipe off or corrupt the kernel, you may be able to recover the router using a USB Recovery boot disk. A reset is may also prove effective in some cases.

My router is not working properly, what should I do?

If it is not working, you can try and fix it by following the instructions at http://www.routertech.org/pages.php?page=20


How do I setup MSN Messenger to work with the router?

To enable voice communications, make sure that outgoing TCP connections from port 6901 are enabled. Also enable UDP packets where either the source or the destination port is 6901.

To enable file transfers, enable both incoming and outgoing TCP connections to the 6891-6900 range of TCP ports. This allows each sender to perform up to 10 simultaneous file transfers. Note that if only TCP port 6891 is open, users are only able to perform one file transfer at a time.

To enable messaging, enable outgoing TCP connections to TCP port 1863.


The router has a USB port, could I connect this to a hard drive so all networked PCs can access it?

Unfortunately no, but nice idea!


Can I connect a printer to the USB port of the router so it can act like a print server?

No, you need to either have a machine in your LAN with a shared printer attached to it, or purchase a Print Server.


Can I use an FTP Client such as WS-FTP and connect to my router?

Yes, you can use WS-FTP or any FTP client to connect to your router. Simply use as the Host IP address, username: admin and your password (epicrouter by default).


When I reboot the router, the LINK light flashes before connecting to the internet, I thought ADSL was "always on"?

That is because the router needs to sync. After that, it should be "always-on" unless a problem prevails at your exchange or your ISP or BT do some maintenance work, in which case you may need to switch the router off and back on again if your line drops or you get no data throughput.


Why can't I have an Audio conversation using MSN Messenger?

Many routers have problems with this. The problem lies with NAT (Network Address Translation) and private network addressing. When computer A behind a NAT-enabled router tries to initiate a voice conversation with computer B on the internet, the private network address such as of computer A is sent, instead of the actual WAN-side IP address (you are idenfied by this address from the internet, not your private IP). The router cannot translate from the private LAN address to the public WAN address due to the way MSN Messenger is made. So when the receiving computer B tries to respond to your request, it cannot communicate with as this is for private networks only. Of course, if you try initiating voice conversations between two computers both inside a LAN, it will probably work (you may need to forward ports). This is because the private addresses are used between the two MSN Messenger clients (i.e. talking to

Source: http://ask-leo.com/archives/000023.html
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/deploy/worki01.asp


How do I find my computers static IP address in my LAN?

Windows 2K/XP: Start> Run> cmd> ipconfig /all
Windows 9x/ME: Start> Run> command> winipcfg


I changed some settings in the router's web configuration and pressed "Save & Reboot". But the settings don't appear to take effect, it doesn't seem to "hold".

You need to power off the router from the plug for 30 seconds. This should save the settings to the flash memory.


When I perform a diagnostic test from the router's web configuration, I always get a "SKIPPED" response when pinging www.conexant.com, why is this?

This test returns SKIPPED if the host name can not be resolved to an IP address. The site http://www.conexant.com cannot be pinged, so it will always skip the test. There is nothing wrong with your router. However, if you wish, you can make a small change in the router so it can ping another host, such as http://www.google.com.


To do this either:

1. Connect to your router via FTP, locate the CONFIG.REG file, and change the two entries to "http://www.conexant.com" to another host such as "http://www.google.com", or whichever URL you wish to use. To find this, scroll down to [Class\Service\System] and carefully change:


You may need to save and reboot for the settings to take effect.




2. Use the backup utility (see here) to do it automatically. Make a backup of the config file. Put a pingable address in the 'Test address' box. Click on "Change the local folder files to use the test address". Then click on 'Restore' to transfer the config back to the router. The router should reboot automatically.

Then in either case, the next time you run a diagnostic test, it will ping the URL you have specified and it should return PASS.

Always make a backup of all the files stored in the routers flash memory before you make any changes.


How do I configure the router so it can use public static IP addresses that I have been given by my ISP?

This guide uses 8 public static IP addresses (i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.160 onwards) and a subnet of as an example.

Many thanks to Warfield Royal for this detailed guide (edited slightly).

Using a starting public static address of xxx.xxx.xxx.160, you have the following setup:


Network Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.160 (do not assign this address to equipment)

Broadcast Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.167 (do not assign this address to equipment)

Subnet Mask =

First usable address = xxx.xxx.xxx.161

Last usable address = xxx.xxx.xxx.166


If you are allocated 8 static IP addresses, 6 are usable but one of the 6 needs to be assigned to the router so you have 5 IP which can be assigned to clients.


Did your ISP specify an IP address for your router? It is convention that your router address is your last usable IP so Router Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.166.


I suggest you configure the ASR-8100 or ASR-8400 as follows:


Static IP settings

IP Address =

Subnet Mask =

Gateway =

These settings will cause the ASR-8400 to pick up the ISP assigned settings which should be Router Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.166. This assumes that your ISP provides this service.


LAN Configuration

IP Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.166 (so this is also the Router Address)

Subnet Mask =


NAT Configuration

NAT = Disable (because you want the clients on your network to use static public IP’s)


DHCP Server

DHCP Server = Enable

DHCP address pool selection = User Defined

User Defined Start Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.161

User Defined End Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.165

DHCP Gateway Selection = User Defined

User Defined Gateway Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.166

User Mode = Multi-User

Configure as DHCP Server (do not configure as Relay)


HTTP Server

The HTTP Server (configuration pages for the ASR-8400) needs to be set to xxx.xxx.xxx.166 on Port 80. If this needs to be changed then it must be done at the same time as the LAN Configuration is changed and before saving otherwise it will be necessary to factory reset the router to get access and start again.



DMZ = Disabled (maybe DMZ = Enabled is a good idea but I don’t see any benefit as the ASR-8400 is being used as a router).


For the above DHCP arrangement to work you need to ensure that your client computers which are attached to the ASR-8400 are configured to receive their IP address automatically.


The above configuration will assign an IP address to a client by DHCP. The IP address will be in the range xxx.xxx.xxx.161 to xxx.xxx.xxx.165 with a subnet mask of and gateway address of xxx.xxx.xxx.166. This means that each client can talk to each other directly on your local LAN and the local traffic will not pass through the ASR-8400. When a client requests an IP that is outside of your subnet the client will direct the request to the ASR-8400 (xxx.xxx.xxx.166) which is the gateway. The ASR-8400 will then route the request to the WAN interface which is where the Internet begins.


The above configuration is also good for the ASR-8100 router.


If you don’t want to use DHCP then disable DHCP and assign the appropriate settings to the clients on an individual basis.

IP Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.161 to xxx.xxx.xxx.165

Subnet Mask =

Default Gateway = xxx.xxx.xxx.166


Please note that with this configuration you do not have any firewall service. Each client is effectively connected directly to the Internet and all ports are open. This arrangement is very much the same as if you had purchased a simple home ADSL connection will a modem connection and a single IP.


My ASR-8100 connected service is basically using the same configuration as above but without DHCP.

This may be one way of achieving what you want but there are probably alternatives which may be better or worse depending on many factors.


Source: Warfield Royal


I can't login to my router as it refuses to accept my username/password, what should I do?

You must reset the router to its default username and password and then change it immediately. Use a paper clip and push it into the reset button at the rear of the router - hold it for 10 seconds. All settings will now be set to default.


How do I configure the router to work with AOL?

To get your router to work effectively with AOL, it is recommended you do the following:

Thanks to various members on the forum for contributing to the AOL instructions. If you wish to find out more, visit the forum and do a search on AOL - you will find most combinations covered there.



Port Forwarding

Is "Ports", "Virtual Server" and "Port Forwarding" the same thing?

Broadly speaking, Yes, these terms are used interchangeably. Setting up port forwarding is the same as setting up a virtual server. If someone asks you to "Setup the ports", they mean setup port forwarding/virtual servers. Ports refer to the actual data stream or "data pipe".


How do I find out what ports I need for a particular application or game?

Try http://www.sambar.de/allgem/port_liste.htm. Also see your applications documentation and read the support section on the associated website.


How do I setup ports / virtual servers / port forwarding?

Login to your router at Click on Advanced Setup, then Virtual Servers on the menu on the left. Now input your ports as required. Public & Private ports usually stay the same. Your Host IP address is the static address of your computer, i.e. 10.0.0.x which will be using the ports, NOT your ISP (WAN-side) IP address. Make sure you choose the right protocol for each port (TCP or UDP). As you add a port, click on Add this setting, your port will be immediately added (but not yet ready for use), You cannot enter ranges of ports, these need to be done separately, and you are limited to a no more than 20 virtual servers. Once you have added all your required ports, click on Save Settings / Reboot to save the settings. Wait for 1-2 minutes for the router to reboot and then check the Virtual Servers page to see if the settings have 'held'.

If the settings don't 'stick' then you may need to power off the router from the mains for 30 seconds, after clicking on 'Save & Reboot' and after seeing the router lights flash for a few seconds.

(The default address for the Virtual Server page is


How do I add a range of ports?

At time of writing, this feature is not available or hasn't been correctly implemented. You must input all the ports between the range manually.


What is a "Host IP Address"?

This is the IP address of the machine that is using the application or which hosts it (in case of servers). Be careful, do not put down the WAN-side IP address that is assigned to you by your ISP.


How can I open all ports?

You need to use DMZ and point that to the appropriate machine on your LAN (i.e. IP address) that you want to use to open all ports. This is very dangerous as everything is open and you have no protection. Always use a software firewall.


What is the total number of virtual servers I can add?



What transport protocol should I use when adding a virtual server - UDP or TCP?

It depends on the application, you need to read the documentation or support pages as they usually tell you. If not, try one or the other. Note that you may need to use both for some applications.


Can I forward the same port for different computers on my network?

No. If the router has port x mapped to 2 different computers in your LAN, and it receives a data packet from the WAN interface (coming IN), how will it know where it should send it? Each port must only be forwarded to one machine.


Why do I need to setup virtual servers?

Because your router, by default, will block all unrequested packets coming in from the internet to your LAN. If you setup a webserver for example, on a client machine within your LAN and don't forward port 80 to that machine, all requests from people on the internet to access your website would be blocked. Your router needs to be "notified" that it shouldn't block such requests (in this case, on port 80) because they are legitimate requests coming from people who wish to view your website. The way we notify it is by setting up a virtual server.



I want to host a web server on a computer in my LAN that can be accessible to anyone on the internet, what should I do?

How do I host a game so other people on the internet can connect?

Essentially you are running a server. You need to forward the appropriate ports for the game, see the FAQ on Port Forwarding in this guide.


How do I run an FTP server?

Setup your FTP server on a client machine within your LAN. Make a note of its static IP address (such as 10.0.0.x) and create a virtual server for port 21 (TCP) for your client host. Please see the Port Forwarding instructions in the appropriate section of this guide for detailed instructions on how to create a virtual server.



How do I secure my router quickly?

A router is normally quite secure because of the built in NAT. However there are a few things you should/can do to make it even more secure:

  1. Change the admin password
  2. Disable external (WAN side) access via telnet/console/ftp etc
  3. Block any ports that need blocking using port forwards / virtual servers
  4. Maybe use the DMZ (if it is pointed to a non existent IP such as then you do not need to perform step 3)
  5. Enable the firewall if you wish/have it.

You may wish to do something about pings although this is not essential.


How do I test how secure my network is?

You can do an online scan at http://www.grc.com


How do I close my firewall?

If you wish to close the "protection" as provided by the router because you have having problems using an application, consider using DMZ.


What is DMZ and why should I enable it?

Its the area between your trusted LAN and the untrusted internet (WAN). If you set your DMZ to a computer on your LAN, then it is completely open to the internet with absolutely no protection, so its dangerous. This is why, by default, you should always have your DMZ pointing to a non-existent IP in your LAN, such as However, sometimes you might need to use DMZ and point it to a real computer on your LAN if you have problems using a particular application that needs to use the internet. This is, of course, unsafe and you MUST use a software firewall.

Note: Pointing the DMZ to a non-existent IP will normally enable the router to pass the ShieldsUp scan at GRC.com


How do I enable DMZ?

  1. Open your browser and point it to
  2. Enter your username and password
  3. Click on "Advanced Setup" so you can access the configuration settings
  4. On the menu on the left, click on "Misc Configuration" (6th from bottom)
  5. Scroll down until you see two options labelled "DMZ" and "DMZ Host IP"
  6. Set DMZ to Enabled
  7. Set the DMZ Host IP to an IP address of the computer in your LAN that you wish to place in DMZ, do not use the IP given to you by your ISP, or confuse it with a subnet mask such as Typically, the IP you use may be something like 10.0.0.x. It is the static IP assigned to each machine in your LAN.
  8. The settings will have an immediate effect, but you must save and reboot (click on Save Settings / Reboot) and power the router off from he plug for 30 seconds.
  9. You now have a machine in your LAN setup as DMZ, so it is opened to the internet.

How do I disable telnet to avoid a hacker logging into my router and changing the settings?

The best method is to forward the port 23 (TCP only) to a non-existent IP, such as If a user tries to telnet into your router from the internet, the request will be handled by this port forward setting, which will forward the request to the non-existent IP that you have used, so they won't be able to connect to the router directly. When you have setup the virtual server, save & reboot, including a power off from the plug for 30 seconds. If you wish to test it, use another internet account (the PAYG will be fine) and select Start | Run | type cmd (or command) | telnet <WAN side IP address of router> and press <Enter>. You shouldn't be able to connect - if you can, then anyone on the internet can do the same (assuming they know your password). Do not try and use the same internet account that supplies your broadband because you will be on the same network as the router and will always be able to telnet in.


What is the default username & password of the router?

The username is "admin" and the password is "epicrouter". Make sure you change it.


Does the router have a firewall? I read it has a FreeBSD firewall somewhere?

The firmware versions below have a built in firewall ("SPI")
safecom.cn_10-07-04 and others

For the full list see http://www.routertech.org/pages.php?page=18


All other versions: This router has NO firewall with other versions of the firmware. It has features such as NAT that act to some extent, like a firewall, but it would be wrong to say it has a firewall as it may mislead people into thinking it has features such as packet inspection - which is a true firewall. The manual that comes with the router may state that router has a FreeBSD firewall as optional, but this is a slightly generic manual because it is a variant of the conexant routers. However, don't be alarmed, if you use the appropriate security settings, your computer will be stealth and hidden from any potential hackers.


Where is the firewall log?

Assuming you have the latest version of the firmware (see above), go to to you should see any firewall log entries there.

To get the full range of firewall logs, you must tick all the boxes on these pages, and click on 'submit' (but there is no need to reboot the router)

A typical entry might be:

06/18/2004 15:01:06> Firewall:Winnuke detected,from 81.XXX.XXX.XXX to

(where X represents a digit)


Should I have a software firewall setup on all my computers in my LAN?

It is recommended that you do install a software firewall on ALL computers in your LAN. Your router (and the appropriate security settings that you have applied) will be good enough to protect you and your LAN from traffic coming IN from the internet WAN side (because the router filters out any packets that were not requested by a machine on your LAN). But what about traffic going out from your LAN to the internet? What if you accidentally get infected with a trojan virus and it tries to "call home" (i.e. issue contact with the source)? What about applications that try to send back information on its use, so called spyware? You will want to protect yourself from these. There are many firewalls available, but ZoneAlarm is free and easy to configure. Just make sure you add a trusted zone (an IP range such as - 10.0.0.x, as dictated by your DHCP range (if you're using it) or individual IPs per computer so your machine can see other machines on your network. This is VERY important if you wish to, or use file sharing in your network.


How do I change the routers password?

To change the ADMIN password:

  1. Open a browser and point it to
  2. Enter your current username and password (admin/epicrouter)
  3. Click on "Advanced Setup"
  4. You will see a menu on the left, click on "Admin Password Configuration" (forth from bottom)
  5. Enter a good strong password (the username stays as "admin"). Something with letters and numbers.
  6. Press Submit.
  7. On the menu, click on "Save Settings / Reboot"
  8. Press "Save & Reboot"
  9. It's also a good idea to switch the router off from the plug for 30 seconds to make sure the settings hold.
  10. Once you have switched the router back on, open and check to see if you can login with your new password.

To change the USER password:

Same as above but for setup 4, click on "User Password Configuration" instead of "Admin Password Configuration". Remember, the username stays as "user", you can only change the password.


What will happen if I don't change my routers admin password?

That would be crazy. If someone knew your IP address, they could use telnet or a browser and login with the default username & password and do everything you can do with it.


Is it true that if someone knows my IP address (WAN side), they can login and change my router's settings behind my back?!

If you have HTTP access enabled (which it is by default) and you leave your password as it is then the answer is YES!


Are there any known security exploits with this router?

A user may be able to remotely connect to your router through ports 254 or 255, so it is recommended that you create virtual servers and forward these ports to a non-existing client (such as, within your subnet). You may also wish to block ports 21 and 23 in the same way to block FTP and telnet requests, as well as port 80 to block access to the web configuration.



Can I change the Origo logo that appears in the web configuration to something else, like my own image?

Yes. To do this, you need to access the files stored in the router's flash memory. Use an FTP client and login to The Origo image is stored in the IMAGES directory. The actual image is a simple bitmap, this is referenced from a HTML page called origo.htm. The path of this page is "/doc/origo.htm". It uses the line "<IMG SRC="/images/origo.bmp">" to reference the image. So if you change the name of the image, remember to change the HTML in "origo.htm".


What software is used to produce the kernel for the router?

VxWorks 5.4.2. For further details of this operating system, see http://www.windriver.com/products/vxworks5


Where is the technical discussion board for the Origo hardware?

The UK support forum for Origo products is at http://www.routertech.org


How much flash memory do the routers have?

Software route (saves having to open up the router):

Use the facility in Neo's utility (see here)


You need to refer to the routers product code to establish this. This is located on a chip which you need to refer to by physically opening the router.


Once you've found a serial number, make a note of the last six digits and check below for the total capacity of your routers flash memory.


29LV32 > 4MB
29LV16 > 2MB


© Copyright 2004 onwards. All rights reserved - Originally written by Kashif, maintained by Neo.



In the following text, "we" refers to both the writer of this FAQ (person or persons used to produce this document) and the author of this website and thr RouterTech forum.

We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. The writer of this document takes no responsibility for any information that leads to the malfunctioning of any hardware or software, whether as a direct cause of the advice given or otherwise. If in doubt, check with the manufacturers technical support directly or on the RouterTech forum. You follow this FAQ at your own risk. We are not responsible for the content of any external links from this website, these are provided for general viewing and to further enhance your understanding. Some links to the RouterTech support forum may be written by the general public who have no connection with RouterTech or any manufacturer, you follow these instructions at your own risk. You are liable for any possible malfunction caused as a result of the information provided. Such views are only expressed for entertainment, some of which may not be supported by the original manufacturer and may invalidate any possible outstanding warranty.

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Website by Neo   -   Hosted by Kieran O'Shea