FastForward 1.2.0

January 22nd, 2008 by neo


With the recent changes at PlusNet (moving from DSpam to Postini) I have updated FastForward with the new spam/not spam target email addresses. Click here for more details.

Anyone wishing to just update the target email addresses without changing anything else can download this ISP file, extract it and overwrite the existing isp.txt file in their FFW folder.

I’d like to allay any fears that FastForward contains any malicious or spyware. I can say, categorically, that it does NOT contain any malware, spyware, trojans or viruses.

The mapiprop.dll was created by MAPIlab and is used by FastForward to communicate with Microsoft Outlook. See for details.

Also, I would like to ask anyone having problems with FFW to:
1) read all the documentation
2) if a problem persists, please contact me via my website at or via the forum at RouterTech.Org.

Unfortunately, I do not have the time to monitor the PlusNet community forum on a regular basis.

One Response to “FastForward 1.2.0”

  1. neo Says:

    Well, it seems the update was a little premature. It turns out that the new email addresses require the spam/ham emails to be included as attachments (rather than inline). FastForward doesn’t send the emails as attachments so it will require some more work…

    In the mean time, PlusNet have offered to operate the old email addresses with FastForward so I recommend anyone using the tool to continue to use version 1.1.9 or start using version 1.2.1, but not to use version 1.2.0 😉

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